Why Serve?

20 Nov 2018 11:25 AM | Lewis Martinez (Administrator)

Human happiness is a fascinating concept. Psychologists, theologians, sociologists (and all the rest of us) have been considering and pursuing happiness for all of known history. In his book,When Everything We’ve Ever Wanted Isn’t Enough, Rabbi Harold Kushner explained that real, lasting happiness is never found in the traditional symbols of success — job, income, home, car, etc. He noted that the world is filled with people blessed with all of these things — but miserable because “it’s never enough.” Rabbi Kushner and Pastor Rick Warren, in aPurpose Driven Life, came to the same conclusion: happiness is found when we find and serve a purpose bigger than us.

My own purpose includes my faith, my family, and the talent development work that helps others feel safe and successful. It’s among the reasons that ATD Dallas is special — we share a passion for building people and their organizations. We help others during the most critical and important stages of their careers — when they transition to new employers or jobs, learn critical job skills, and prepare for future success. We honor people, their work, and their career interests. It’s why I serve. It’s why I urge you to serve.

I also serve because volunteerism is an expression of deep gratitude. We rarely have the opportunity to thank personally the teachers, mentors, and friends who have contributed most to our success. But we can honor them with our service to others — you have many such opportunities at ATD Dallas.

People often say that time is their biggest obstacle to service. To be sure, we’re all busy. Yet, time is a lot like love. When focused on the right things, both seem to grow. I’m very busy, but I’ve always found time for the things that matter. Our work matters. Our community matters. And your happiness matters. You’ll find lasting happiness in service. Let us help you find it at ATD Dallas. We have many volunteer activities waiting for your unique skills — start being happy with us!


14070 Proton Rd. - Suite 100
Dallas, TX 75244

Email: info@tddallas.org

Phone: 972-233-9107 ex. 224

Fax: 972-490-4219

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