Get Involved with ATD Dallas

We have many, many volunteer opportunities in our ATD Dallas chapter. 

However, you must be a chapter member - so REGISTER TODAY!! 

Some of the ways you can volunteer include:

  • Serving in a leadership role on the Board of Directors 
  • Becoming a Committee Team Lead, Special Interest Group Leader, or Event Co-chair 
  • Working on the Southwest Learning Summit Planning Committee or serving as a "Day of" Volunteer on the event day itself
  • Serving on the AXIS Awards Planning Committee or Selection Team
  • Using your creative talents to create graphics, update the website, write emails, or interact on social media on our Marketing Team
  • Assisting the Membership Team with welcoming new members and contacting members with lapsed memberships
  • Supporting the Programs Team in planning and hosting our monthly meetings and happy hours
  • Creating ways for members to engage with one another, give back to the community, and be recognized on our Community Engagement team
  • Exploring strategic partnerships with key vendors, other professional organizations, and top TD Leaders 
  • And so much more... 

If you're interested in volunteering, please fill out our volunteer form below

Get the most bang for your buck with ATD Dallas!

Whether you recently joined ATD Dallas or have been a long-time member, you may have found yourself asking: “how do I get the most out of my membership?” 

ATD Dallas offers a number of avenues for networking and professional development, including chapter meetings, special interest groups, social engagements, and community events. However, the single best way to get value out of your membership is to volunteer!

As a non-profit organization, ATD Dallas is run primarily by volunteers.  There is no better way to build strong relationships in this profession than to work with colleagues across the DFW community to support the activities and programming provided by ATD Dallas.    
Throughout the year teams of passionate learning professionals work together to plan meetings and events, coordinate logistics, generate communication pieces, plan social events, etc. It would be literally impossible for a handful of people to do it all alone. But when a significant number of people commit to give a little bit of their time – it is incredible what can be accomplished!

So...what is a “little bit of time?” If you have just 2 hours to give ATD this year – here are some of the things you could do to contribute to the chapter:
  • Develop and send a chapter email
  • Generate a discussion on our LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter pages
  • Host and introduce a speaker at a chapter meeting
  • Greet people at a chapter meeting or social event
  • Call 5 new members and welcome them to the chapter
  • Follow up with 5 lapsed members and ask them to consider renewing their membership
If you can give just 8-12 hours a year, here are some things you could do:
  • Volunteer on the Planning Team for our annual Southwest Learning Summit Conference (Lead and team roles available)
  • Take responsibility for generating a month of chapter emails and social media messages
  • Develop targeted marketing pieces for our different audiences
  • Host a special interest group meeting
  • Coordinate logistics for a chapter meeting or happy hour event
  • Call 3-5 new members every month to welcome them to the chapter
  • Call 3-5 lapsed members and ask them to consider renewing their membership
  • Review and select winners for the AXIS Awards
  • Assist the chapter in finding program speakers for chapter events
  • Host a meetup group for students in Learning & Development fields
  • Mentor a student in Learning & Development
And if you are looking for an opportunity to enhance your leadership skills, as well as build long lasting relationships in the Learning & Development community, then consider going “all in” by serving on the ATD Dallas Leadership Team. 

Volunteer Form

How to Volunteer: It's easy as 1, 2, 3...
Step 1 - Complete our Volunteer Form below. 

Step 2 - Someone will follow up with you to learn more about your interest and how much time you would like to spend supporting the chapter.


Step 3 - Speak with any member of our leadership team at any meeting you attend and let them know you are interested in volunteering.


14070 Proton Rd. - Suite 100
Dallas, TX 75244


Phone: 972-233-9107 ex. 224

Fax: 972-490-4219

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