Becoming a member of ATD Dallas unlocks a whole world of professional talent and growth opportunities.
ATD Dallas Membership Options
Individuals who are between roles/positions and/or who are current members may select this category to become or continue as a member of ATD Dallas during a time of personal or professional transition. A Transition Membership is a one-time option over the life of one’s ATD Dallas experience. Transition membership comes with all the same access and opportunity Individual Membership has to ATD Dallas programming and events.
Individuals who are either full-time undergraduate students registered for 12 credit hours each semester or individuals in graduate programs registered for at least 6 credit hours each semester. Student membership comes with all the same access and opportunity Individual Membership has to ATD Dallas programming and events.
Organizations looking to provide membership and expand TD, OD, LD, or Learning Tech opportunities to a talent development team of 5: the first four register at a discounted rate (10% off individual membership pricing) and get a 5th group member free! This “5th free” provision holds true for all multiples of 4 registered. Individuals who are part of the Corporate Membership require identifying who who are part of the Corporate Membership to ensure each member of the group is accounted for. Contact for seamless registration for this GREAT option.
A way to connect to the larger national Talent Development community, discover the latest industry trends, and get access to research, principles, practices, and templates they can apply directly to impacting organizational results, their community, and advancing their career. Sign up for this exclusive membership option online or by contacting