Dallas ASTD Career Development SIG
This SIG to be held the 4th Monday of each month
Creating a “Super Bowl Commercial”... about YOU!
Ever had this happen?
• You greet someone new at an association meeting. You ask, “Where do you work?” or “What do you do [to earn a living]?” • They bore you or confuse you with their answer. You engage politely, but start looking for a chance to greet someone else or to change topics. Or this? • You bump into an acquaintance while running errands and greet them with a cheerful, “Good to see you! How are things at work?” • They tell you how terrible things are at work. Or, they tell you they just lost their job. You feel sorry for them, and sad that you can’t help. Whether employed or unemployed, you can avoid being one of those boring, confusing, or pitiful sounding professionals. Develop a 30-second response to adapt for use in situations like the ones above. A commercial that makes you interesting to others. A commercial that is engaging. A commercial that stirs up new leads and helpful information. A commercial that leaves people feeling happy and hopeful for you. Join us on Monday, 8/25, to learn how to craft a Super Bowl quality 30-second commercial … all about you! Expect to leave with: • An outline for crafting a solid commercial script, • Homework to make your commercial even stronger, • Ideas for generating opportunities to use your commercial, • And, tips for tweeking your commercial for different situations. Facilitator: Michele Newhouse, Career Management Consultant with Right Management since 2003. (www.linkedin.com/in/michelenewhouse) Location: Madeleine Crouch & Co., Inc.
14070 Proton Rd. Suite 100, LB 9 Dallas, TX 75244
*Feel free to arrive at 5:45pm to network and get settled prior to the meeting start. Follow the hallway to the left of the lobby. It will bend to the right. The conference room is on the left at the end of the hall. All members of Dallas ATD are welcome to attend any SIG any time. All non-members, please feel free to join us for up to 2 sessions at a SIG. After 2 sessions, to provide ongoing chapter support to the SIG, you will be expected to join Dallas
14070 Proton Rd. - Suite 100Dallas, TX 75244
Email: info@tddallas.org
Phone: 972-233-9107 ex. 224
Fax: 972-490-4219
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