Dallas ATD Career Development SIG
This SIG to be held the 4th Monday of each month
Resume Strategies & Tips Monday, February 23, 2015 Presenter: Michele Newhouse
This evening’s Career Development SIG has been canceled due to inclement weather. If you registered for tonight’s meeting, please re-register to learn about this topic in April.
What should you include? How long should it be? How can you help your resume stand out from others?
Join us for an interactive session with a workshop feel. (If you have a draft resume, bring it with you! If you don’t, we’ll help you get started!)
Expect to leave with:
Register to save your seat today!
About the Facilitator:
Michele Newhouse, Career Management Consultant with Right Management since 2003. (www.linkedin.com/in/michelenewhouse)
Where: Madeleine Crouch & Co., Inc.
14070 Proton Rd. Suite 100, LB 9 Dallas, TX 75244
Follow the hallway to the left of the lobby. It will bend to the right. The conference room is on the left at the end of the hall.
*Feel free to arrive at 5:45pm to network and get settled prior to the meeting start.
Who: All members of Dallas ATD are welcome to attend any SIG any time. All non-members, please feel free to join us for up to 2 sessions at a SIG. After 2 sessions, to provide ongoing chapter support to the SIG, you will be expected to join Dallas ASTD by paying the annual dues of $115. Questions? Contact 972.233.9107 ext. 224 or email info@tddallas.org.
14070 Proton Rd. - Suite 100Dallas, TX 75244
Email: info@tddallas.org
Phone: 972-233-9107 ex. 224
Fax: 972-490-4219
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