June Chapter Meeting: Rent-A-Center - Top 125 Winner
Rent-A-Center has been recognized by Training Magazine as one of the Top 125 organizations with the most successful learning and development programs for two consecutive years, as well as winner of Outstanding Training Initiative this year.
Over the past four years, the team has transformed the learning and development organization from one that was reactive and focused on compliance to one that proactively serves the business and is focused on developing the competence of our coworkers. During this shift, attention was also turned to building relationships and establishing the team as trusted partners for the business.
This effort slowly built credibility that ultimately allowed the team to achieve long-term goals for the organization including the implementation of a new LMS, establishing an entirely new organization of hundreds of field-based training stores in the US, and building a training organization from the ground up to support international growth. All of these efforts and intangible benefits have led to a credible learning and development organization. Due to insight and ability to design and deliver against increasingly high expectations, the training team has become a highly valued partner in launching critical company initiatives.
During the meeting the Rent-A-Center team will showcase, through rotating stations, the innovative methods they have utilized to design and deliver content and curriculum to over 20,000 employees in nearly 4300 store locations, including Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Canada. The stations will focus on:
Enter the building at the main entrance where you will be greeted in the foyer.
14070 Proton Rd. - Suite 100Dallas, TX 75244
Email: info@tddallas.org
Phone: 972-233-9107 ex. 224
Fax: 972-490-4219
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