Dallas ATD Lunch & Learn SIG
...And Then, There Are Stories: Bringing Story-telling Center Stage in Training
Let the story-telling continue! For thousands of years, stories have been the centerpiece of teaching. Increase retention and engagement. Eliminate dread. Stories are your best weapon to bust boredom and raise the roof on effectiveness. Come see what HCSC’s Ethics & Compliance Department has done to make required compliance training something employees actually look forward to taking. Rance will be sharing stories they’ve used, discussing their application in training and offering some story-telling design and delivery tips that have made their courses award-winning models of effective training. Examples will include a variety of delivery methods, including live, computer-based, virtual and blended techniques. Regardless of the industry or training topic, the stories, open discussion and practical tips will inspire you to bring story-telling center stage in your training and help you craft your own training stories.
Pre-session Activity:
If you want a head-start, check out the blog post (“What People Say About Stories”). Rance created just for this session and submit your own comment. www.Rance2ya.wordpress.com
About Our Facilitator:
Rance Greene comes to the learning profession with a background in fine arts, including visual design, music, theatre and choreography. He currently serves as a Performance Consultant for Health Care Service Corporation’s Ethics & Compliance Department. His presentations balance inspiration with practicality, so be prepared to be emotionally and intellectually stimulated in this session.
ATD Lunch & Learn SIG Has a New Location!
The ATD Lunch & Learn SIG has a new location!
Our new meeting space is hosted by Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas located at:
6001 Summerside Drive, Dallas, Texas 75252 (off of Preston between Campbell and Frankford).
A very special thank you to Donna Tharp, Adult Education Manager, for volunteering this lovely training facility!
6001 Summerside Drive
Dallas, Texas 75252
Location host: Donna Tharp, Adult Education Manager
All members of Dallas ATD are welcome to attend any SIG any time. All non-members please feel free to join us for up to 2 sessions at a SIG. After 2 sessions, to provide ongoing chapter support to the SIG, you will be expected to join Dallas ASTD by paying the annual dues of $115.
Questions? Contact 972.233.9107 ext. 224 or email info@tddallas.org.
**Interested in helping ATD Dallas plan an event like this? Fill out our Volunteer Form.
Why do you want to attend the January Lunch & Learn SIG meeting?
Because… You will learn principles that work from the best-selling book, Five Dysfunctions of a Team.
Because… A cohesive team will:
Join us for this interactive, engaging SIG where we will explore the behaviors that create a high performing team, give you practices to bring to your own organization and insight as to why this concept has been embraced and widely accepted around the world.
About the speaker:
Mary Anne (Wihbey) Davis, founder of Peak Performance Solutions, has been an active member of ATD for many years. She has served on the board and has clients in every industry. Mary Anne and her husband, Roy Davis, are on the front line of bringing relevant programs, tools and products to their clients around the U.S., Mexico and Canada. They are proud to say four Texas clients have been voted best place to work!
14070 Proton Rd. - Suite 100Dallas, TX 75244
Email: info@tddallas.org
Phone: 972-233-9107 ex. 224
Fax: 972-490-4219
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