Presenter: Valerie Nichols

When: Wednesday, August 15th, 11:00AM - 12:00PM CST
Location: Virtual Webinar
Webinar Description:
Your unconscious preferences can prevent you seeing the talent that's right in front of you. Becoming aware of your biases – and those of others – takes you one step closer to managing the predicament.
Are you or others in your organization turning away or discounting potential talent in your industry or company because of their appearance, their accent or some other factor that doesn't relate to the job?
Most of us firmly reject stereotypes and would answer that question with a resounding "Of course not!" Unfortunately, your own brain may be getting in the way of your good intentions. Regardless of your intent, you may be exhibiting unconscious bias – a level of bias that you may not even be aware of, but one that subtly affects the way that you perceive and interact with others. Becoming aware of your own unconscious bias – and that of others – is a key step towards controlling it.
has been an executive consultant with Hemsley Fraser for 12 years, doing consulting work (primarily in the HR, diversity, and strategic planning arenas) and designing and delivering learning experiences (whether face-to-face or digital). She has a particular passion about inclusion and is deeply engaged in helping organizations explore what this means to them. Valerie has been asked to speak at large professional organizations, including the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and for small special interest groups, such as the HR Directors from Large Architecture Firms. Prior to her work with Hemsley Fraser, she spent almost 30 years in human resources in a variety of Federal agencies, culminating in a position as HR Director for the United States Mint. She was also a partner in a small company dedicated to developing and delivering learning and developmental programs and served on the board of directors for a non-profit training organization, the Public Administration Forum. For 9 years, she wrote and edited a monthly publication, Personnel Management Guideposts for Federal Supervisors, that had a circulation of approximately 2,000 and a renewal rate above the industry average. Valerie enjoys helping companies improve profitability and cope with change by engaging employees, building an inclusive work environment that welcomes all employees, improving organizational and individual focus, and sharing knowledge through learning experiences.
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