ATD Dallas Career Development SIG
Hosted by Laurie Barnett
January 31, 2022 6:30-8:00pm
Facilitator: Rochelle Harris
Career Development is often thought of as a straightforward process with easy-to-follow steps:
1. Reflect on your values, interests, and talents.
2. Research potential careers.
3. Create and implement the plan.
Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life (by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans) is a book that turns this approach upside down. It asks that we move beyond reflection and planning into a more active role as a designer.
Together, we will discuss strategies to design your career in ways that are practical, active, and meaningful.
- Learn how to apply the concept of prototyping to your career.
- Embrace having multiple career interests.
- Leave with follow up resources.
About the facilitator:
Rochelle Harris genuinely enjoys all things related to career and professional development. She is a Learning Content Designer at TTI Inc. and often facilitates professional development sessions for professionals at every level. She has previously worked in career development, community engagement and volunteer management.
Rochelle has an MS in Learning Technologies with an emphasis in Instructional Systems Design from the University of North Texas and a BA in English from Fisk University.
When: January 31, 2022 6:30 - 8PM
Where: Virtual:
Getting Ready:
1. Use the Zoom app on your mobile phone, connected to a 4G network for the best possible experience. Or use a computer or tablet connected to WiFi, making sure you have a stable connection with good bandwidth for a streaming video/audio connection.
2. If you plan to use a computer for the video AND a phone for the audio, make sure you mute the audio features on one of your devices to avoid disruptive audio feedback/noise.
3. Come prepared to join in the discussion!
Come and network with your fellow ATD members and colleagues. We look forward to being together (in a remote way!)
Questions? Contact 972-233-9107 ext. 224 or email