Experience a Different Kind of Meeting Dream...Imagine...Discover...Collaborate
March 18, 2014
As trainers and developers keep pace with constantly changing business needs in today's dynamic business environment, it is important that we invest productive time to dream, imagine, and discover. As training and development professionals, we should grow to feel more comfortable in the creative and inventive space - the white spaces of our work. Dallas ASTD would like to be a partner in innovation and discovery with our members. Therefore, on March 18th, Dallas ASTD will bring several new inventions/innovations to a roundtable meeting format that gives members the opportunity to discover new ideas and find “never-seen-before” applications to training. The meeting forum will allow trainers to dream a little after learning more about these products and their potential applications to training. Members will collaborate around the challenges and barriers of these products for training programs, but also collaborate around their unique potential. The Dallas ASTD Discovery Roundtable will enable rich and inspiring dialogue that will help keep Dallas ASTD members sharp. And who knows…maybe you’ll have the next big “a-ha” idea for the training world. So come ready to dream and experience new things.
Thanks to the generous donation of our sponsor, University of Phoenix, we are able to provide you with free parking at the Perot Museum! Please park in the gated museum parking lot across from the museum and under Woodall Rogers. It is clearly marked as “museum parking.” We will provide you with a parking pass at the registration desk.
$10 increase in price for on-site registrations: $25 - Members $35- Non-Members, be sure to register early!
Hey and don't forget about the kiddos!
Please bring one or more children's books for the Half Price Books Half Pint Library and your name will be entered to win our drawing for a free meeting!
14070 Proton Rd. - Suite 100Dallas, TX 75244
Email: info@tddallas.org
Phone: 972-233-9107 ex. 224
Fax: 972-490-4219
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