Dallas ASTD Software & Technology SIG
Hosted by Leslie Lingle at MedAssets
Technology SIG: Take the month off! With so many people out enjoying a summer vacation (and many others doing extra work to fill in) the July meeting of the Technology SIG will be cancelled. Our sharing / collaboration topic will be re-scheduled for a different month to allow for better participation. Also, instead of an August meeting, we are encouraging everyone to attend the SWLS on August 19th! Register now for early bird pricing! http://dallasastd.org/SWLS Hope to see everyone in September (9/10) to start the Fall off right! The topic that month will be Articulate Storyline. Have a great rest of summer!!
*Feel free to arrive at 11:45am to network and get settled prior to the meeting start.
*There is a cafeteria in the building and also a PotBelly Sandwich shop one block away.
All members of Dallas ASTD are welcome to attend any SIG at any time. All non-members please feel free to join us for up to 2 sessions at a SIG. After 2 sessions, to provide ongoing chapter support to the SIG, you will be expected to join Dallas ASTD by paying the annual dues of $115.
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Questions? If you have any questions please contact the Dallas ASTD office at 972-233-9107 ex224 or email info@dallasastd.org.
14070 Proton Rd. - Suite 100Dallas, TX 75244
Email: info@tddallas.org
Phone: 972-233-9107 ex. 224
Fax: 972-490-4219
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