2024 Southwest Learning Summit | Keynote Speakers

Morning Keynote

Topic: Z+ Opportunity - Discover how to maximize the emerging workforce's talent!

Luke Goetting 

Future of Work expert 


The future of learning and development hinges on understanding the next generation workforce. Gen Z+, the generation entering the workplace, brings unique values, work styles, and expectations. This session equips Learning and Development (L&D) professionals with actionable strategies to:

  • Build Personal Capability: Bridge the communication gap and foster trust with Gen Z+ learners. Explore interactive learning methods and gamification strategies to create engaging learning experiences that resonate with their preferences.
  • Develop Professional Capability: Design and implement continuous learning programs aligned with Gen Z+'s desire for upskilling and development. Discover how to leverage technology to cater to their preferred learning styles.
  • Impacting Organizational Capability: Foster a culture of lifelong learning that attracts and retains top Gen Z+ talent. Discover how to implement strategies for continuous improvement and talent development aligned with Gen Z+'s values.

Afternoon Keynote

Topic: Find Your Jam - Create Momentum, Unlock Potential, and Rock What's Next

 Rick Lozano 

 Musical Motivator 


There’s nothing like that exciting feeling when things are happening. When you are moving

forward, growing, in the groove, and getting a chance to utilize your talents. When new opportunities are being created and realized, and you feel a sense of connection and engagement.  That’s – your jam!  But it doesn’t always just happen. Sometimes we need a little help converting that potential into forward motion. In this interactive, creative, and insightful keynote, Rick Lozano will introduce his signature RIFF™ model as a framework for helping create that momentum. He’ll introduce simple strategies that will help your audience:

  • Identify and overcome the obstacles that are impeding development.
  • Utilize existing talents and resources to create new possibilities and opportunities.
  • Simplify and streamline to navigate through all the “noise”.
  • Create a sense of flow and innovation.

And we’ll have a ton of fun, laughing while we learn.

Luke Goetting is a dynamic Future of Work expert who specializes in unlocking the potential of Gen Z and the emerging workforce. With deep insights into the aspirations and work styles of these generations, Goetting has helped numerous organizations future-proof their workforce and foster a culture of innovation by implementing effective strategies for engaging and retaining Gen Z+ talent.

As an award-winning communications consultant and founder of Puffingston Presentations, Goetting has crafted engaging, interactive experiences for audiences around the world at events like CES, TEDx and SXSW. He has developed executive talks for Dell, IBM, Lenovo, AMD, and many other leading organizations, championing the principles of 2-Way Communications and a "Lead with Why" management ethos to better enable constructive dialogue and purpose-driven leadership.

Rick Lozano helps people unlock   potential and amplify their talent, 

and he does it all with his unique blend of energy, expertise, and a musician’s soul. After twenty years of experience in award-winning talent and leadership development programs, Rick founded his own business, Unlock & Amplify®, to help develop leaders, teams, and workplace cultures that resonate, engage, and unleash the power of their people.

He brings his creative approach to audiences across the globe combining his skills as a world-class speaker and facilitator with his creative talents as a singer/songwriter and musician - and occasional game show host!

Engage. Develop. Inspire. These are the things Rick does best, sometimes with a guitar in hand. 

Excited to learn from these leaders?

Invest in yourself by attending this amazing conference where you can focus on learning, skill building, and personal growth. Register today!



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