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Our July Chapter Meeting is coming up!  Register and join us on Tuesday, July 16th at the Core Logic office in Irving.

From the President - Blog Posts

Click here to view more job postings

Grab Your Spot at #SWLS2024!

Advanced Registration Rates are available through Sunday, July 14 Sunday, August 4.  If you have a group of 5 or more, check out the Corporate Group pricing. Learn more about pricing here or get registered today!

Interested in being a Mentor or Mentee in the second cohort? Then, get your application in by Friday, July 19

Learn more and complete the online form here

Get Involved with the Chapter

Lend Us Your Talents!  Get Involved Today!

Other Committee Opportunities:

  • Marketing & Communications (Graphics, Social Media Scheduling, Newsletters, & Website Support)
  • Membership (Orientation, Reach Out)
  • Professional Development (SIGs, Mentor Program, Workshops)
  • Programs (Chapter Meetings, Happy Hours, Registration)
  • Southwest Learning Summit (Committee Leads & Planning Team Members)

Free Access to Chapter Members

Members have free access to these resources! 

Click on the logo to access the website.

Need access? Click here!

As a pre-approved education provider, ATD Dallas is authorized to offer continuing education for APTD and CPTD applications and credential holders.

Chapter Awards & Accolades


Thank You to Our Chapter Partners!


Interested in partnering or sponsoring ATD Dallas? Find out more or contact sponsorship@tddallas.org.


14070 Proton Rd. - Suite 100
Dallas, TX 75244

Email: info@tddallas.org

Phone: 972-233-9107 ex. 224

Fax: 972-490-4219

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